meet studio peng

Searching for different creatives is time consuming and agencies are costly. That’s where our superpower comes in. The idea is to connect experiences, skills and styles. To find the perfect match for your project.

Hi. We’re peng.

Julia Lottmann
Managing Director & Creative Director
Brand Identity & Design
Brand Strategy
Manuel Leher
Lead Consultant
Digital Transformation
Business Development
Campaign, Copy Writing, Naming
Creative Direction, Photography
Generative Design & Coding
Typography, Wordpress
Film Production, Post Production
Business Analysis & Strategy, Financial & Equity
Tobi&Tron   ↗
Video & Post Production
Insight AI  ↗
AI-Analysis  ↗
Brand Consulting, Project Management
Cocolores  ↗
Web Development & Web Maintenance
Over the past years we’ve cultivated a powerful network of specialized talents. It turns out, when you have a strong creative culture and give people loads of freedom, things grow.